***editor's note***
I went heavy on the links in the post. you've been forewarned.
***/end note***
Today (or at least, sometime during the 48 hour period between the beginning of January 2nd and the end of January 3rd) marks the 24th anniversary of my season premiere in this life.

yes yes, I'm 24 years old. there's that right wing television show, rims have hit inflationary pressure (up to 24's from 22's), the iconic women's curvature is 36-24-36, 24 karat gold, christmas eve, the intergovernmental group of 24... exciting. depressing. ohmygodwhatthefuckamidoingwithmylife-ing.
To mark this special occasion, (besides eating and drinking my face off) I've decided that this year (unlike all of my previous years.... psssh) will be a year marked with destiny, foolish decision making, and big events.

So this basically means compiling a Top n list of great/awful accomplishments by great/awful people when they turned the age of a full earth's rotation (measured in hours... or jack bauer episodes... or teeth... you get the idea). All of my fellow 1985 brothers and sisters should be inspired. or very afraid.
probably both.
when they were was 24...
...Michelangelo carved the Pieta
...Cindy Lou Hensley met a 42 year old John McCain
...Pablo Picasso painted his Boy with a Pipe, sold at Southeby's for $104,168,000
...Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia joined the Ku Klux Klan
...Tracy i'maTuftsalumna Chapman released her first album
...Thomas Beattie decided to switch sexes
...Ian Thorpe retired from competitive swimming
...Biggie got shot
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