Hey everyone - I've gone ahead and redesigned my blog site. But what do I talk about? Economics, food justice, environment, music, film, personal ramblings, equality economics, and my own personal blend of morality, ethics and wisdom minus the pontification. If you don't like it - complain. Don't be apathetic and lazy. The world'll change without you.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

new section to the right, to the right

I've gotten rid of the less functional parts of my blog (do you really need/want to see the video I took of a duck love triangle in San Francisco? I'd like to think yes, but my heart is saying no) but I have added what is hopefully a new and worthwhile section - 'just wondering' which is a collection of news items and sources that I have a keen interest in (food econ, celtics basketball, more food) which will be updating automatically as I 'like' 'share' and 'comment' on them. Ie, this'll tide the rest of the world over while I get to keep my (mostly) private ponderings to myself. enjoy~