Hey everyone - I've gone ahead and redesigned my blog site. But what do I talk about? Economics, food justice, environment, music, film, personal ramblings, equality economics, and my own personal blend of morality, ethics and wisdom minus the pontification. If you don't like it - complain. Don't be apathetic and lazy. The world'll change without you.

Monday, June 1, 2009

TSA Agent Training

Heading out of the security line at the New Orleans Airport, I had the opportunity to overhear the following TSA Security Training session:

'Now, remember - you've really got to look for things. The more you find - the more you get paid, so think about that... Don't be afraid to be forceful when you're patting someone down. I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for being too rough.'


In other news, this will be not only my first blog post in awhile, but this is also my first blog post to be sent through my twitter feed, and will hopefully be updating my facebook status. Cross your fingers!

It's my last night as a resident at the corner of Packard Ave and Electric Ave. So, to properly send off this portion of my life (and this incredibly awesomely named intersection) I had this great idea to drink a 30 Pack while listening to Eddy Grant's Electric Avenue... but we're going to have to settle for this blog post and embedded video instead. enjoy!


Patrick Kinsella said...

don't worry man - I'll take care of the 30 pack for you (meaning both the house and the beer... but mostly the beer)