I swear, the bonnaroo post is coming soon, but first I've gotta clear out my google reader and update y'all with my internet trawling highlights.
Google Reader is a google web app that will automatically send your favorite news articles, blogs, and web page updates to one central location, allowing you to view, email, and share your own personalized, filtered news content. If you decide to sign up for one, let me know, and we can become buddies, and I'll be able to share this blog (along with my other findings) with you on an instantaneous basis.
to continue the geek out - here are the highlights from June 1st to today!
Microsoft continues to try to take over your life without you knowing in the Mordor sense apparently, the latest windows update installs something onto firefox, which allows websites to upload content to your computer without you knowing. and oh yeah, you can't uninstall it, because microsoft disabled the uninstall button, and you can only remove it by removing windows registry files (removing windows registry files = high risk of continual system crashes). OR! you can use internet explorer! jerks.
Obama follows my date night recommendation Dinner and Broadway show, but I really can't help but extoll the tremendous virtue of the restaurant they went to - Dan Barber's fantastic Blue Hill, a spot that is linked directly to the Blue Hill farm in mid upstate New York. RE: local, sustainable, healthy (pricey), elegant, and tremendously amazing menu options.
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GTA 5 - Boston? ok, that's not what's going to happen, but the blog article and related links talk about how Boston's finest is going to arm themselves with semi-automatic weaponry.
Origami, meet your maker German artist who creates his work by only folding paper. un.real.
Apparently, at a zoo across the pond, a rat has been standing up, and stealing food from a leopard. not the same moral message as ratatouille, but life's real in the real world.
only 935 more articles to go until my readerbox is empty!
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