we're live with part 1! this'll suffice until i figure out how to do flash animation (pay for adobe.. 600 bones! really!?)
gotta put a big up to Blogger Templates and the designer of this stunning layout, Ophelia Nicholson - without which, this site would look like crap.
a few logistical changes, you'll now find an Imeem player on this site (I died a little when i didn't put the sixtyone on), but as far as versatility goes, Imeem's a bit better at delivering the pop culture references that I cannot live without.
the link for "back to life" is still a work in progress, bear with, and don't worry about it for now.
I've got picassa and youtube embedded as well, and we can start rolling out content once i get my hands on a camera. specifically this camera.
I've just put together my christmas nonfiction wish list, and y'all will get a better idea about how much of an uneven tool I am - although, it could be worse.

In any case, here we go!
The Future Control of Food: An Essential Guide to International Negotiations and Rules on Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and Food Security
(Geoff Tansey, Tamsin Rajotte)
International negotiations! Intellectual property! Food security! oh my, I think i just....
Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet
(Jeffrey D Sachs)
Growing population, increased poverty (relative and absolute) and a declining amount of resources. We're adding 'Sharing' back to your report card.
Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization
(Lester R Brown)
So, we're all kind of aware of the dangers of sticking gum underneath a restaurant table and not eating all your veggies, but we pull the 1) I don't know what to do to stop this 2) I'm only one person 3) everyone else doesn't seem to care. Well fuck off, lazy bastard. Read this book. Then do something. Stop leaving the goddamn light on in the bathroom, or take away your kid's nightlight. Sorry, got a bit of the terrets there... anyways...
The Post American World
Fareed Zakaria
The New York Times says I should read it.
The Numerati
Stephen Baker
The reshaping of the way we view the truth and facts and how it is becoming more and more reliant on technology, algorithms, and data-driven models. It's a good gut check. I mean, we see how crazy religious fanaticism can get, so if I am truly going to believe that the world was created billions and billions of years ago from carbon dating, I don't want to swallow it down willingly. Because then I'm no better than these folk.
The Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
for all of my years spouting about charts and lines and graphs and the reasons behind them, I think it may be time to take that dreaded economic pilgrimage and come to my own conclusions about the founding father of the "good son" of the social sciences. (note: Adam Smith (and this book in particular) is considered the founder of modern day economics (supply and demand; why when I pillage gold from native cultures, I call it the age of exploration, and when you do it, I call it savagery; etc). In other words, this book is hella old and i'm going to need a translator (re:sparknotes) to figure some of this stuff out.)
Banker to the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty
Muhammad Yunus
So, I've heard two things about micro-lending - what people say about it, and what it is:
1) what people say about it - It's really good for the poor and super empowering, and the way we're going to lift people out of poverty
2) what it is - handing out small ($50-$500) loans at 20-40% interest so someone in the third world can buy a tea kettle and start making and selling tea.
I have a hunch that both are wrong, but it is definitely something worth pursuing over the winter season.
and that's that - not a complete list, but in these economic times (1), i'll leave it where it stands.