So tonight is christmas eve! Only a few short hours to instant message 'SantaClaus' and tell him what you want for christmas (and if he doesn't respond to you, you can bet your bottom dollar that you're on his naughty list... you know who I'm talking to).
I spent my evening sitting with ma grandmere et grandpere for christmas eve mass, furthering my good grandson credentials and brushing up on my nicene creed memorization.
Father Bob2 was wrapping up the christmas pageant that the kids put on which lasts the ideal amount of time - somewhere between allowing each kid to stand in the spotlight and forget a few lines (to be unbearably boastful, I did play joseph back in my day), and moving the pageant along to appease the rest of us so we can start celebrating with our favorite christmas spirits (just a pinot night).
In any case, I just wanted to comment on one thing (besides commenting on all that I've already commented on - gotcha!) and that was when all the children walked, ran, and stumbled up to the middle of the church to sing 'Hark! The Herald Angel Sing' and Nana asked me with a big grin, 'Do you remember when you used to do that?' and my smiling, somewhat snarky response was something like, 'No, but I do remember the day when I didn't have to sing that god forsaken anymore =D' (ok, it was nothing like that, because I'm nowhere near that bamf-y in person)
my point failing me, it was just one of those moments when you knew that you had made it - like getting a place at the adult table, or being able to ride the rollercoaster, or staying up to watch are you afraid of the dark(or being allowed to). Like going to your first junior high dance, or buying your first cd, or going from eating glue to sniffing it... yeah.
In any case, it was just one of those nice moments where you enjoy your memories movement of life more than the memories of it. You're never going to be able to recreate the static past (your life would look the same forever), but you can always recreate growth, and build memories for the future. Happy effing Christmas.
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