Hey everyone - I've gone ahead and redesigned my blog site. But what do I talk about? Economics, food justice, environment, music, film, personal ramblings, equality economics, and my own personal blend of morality, ethics and wisdom minus the pontification. If you don't like it - complain. Don't be apathetic and lazy. The world'll change without you.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

what was I thinking?

So you know what sucks? I get all of these ideas to blog about and rant about and be non-amateur about, but it's all thoughts from during the week, or in the middle of my workday, or between bites of lunch, or on the treadmill. And now that I can blog, I'm just... sitting here. Listening to the Ting Tings, and realizing how much of pop culture I haven't been paying attention for oh, say the past 10 months of my life (at least). 

Take for instance Rolling Stone's top 100 singles of 2008.  go on, take a peak. Now, I'm going through the list, and I'm thinking to myself: Beyonce - ok; Santogold - i get it; MGMT - I KNOW THEM!!!!. So all is going well as I'm perusing through the first few songs, feeling quite proud of myself for living a town over from where MGMT began, (and where my dad 'discovered' them... more on that, and how I have an eternal internal struggle knowing that my dad will probably be cooler than me forever) and then it hits - Blitzen Trapper? The B.P.A? Beck has a new song out? People like Lykke Li ? (I love her pictured here, but other people do too?)

Oh dear god, have I turned into one of those kids who only knows the refrains to the top 10 songs? Those same songs that play every hour on clearchannel owned radio stations? The songs that would appear on the NOW 58 cds? DO THEY EVEN MAKE CDs ANYMORE! GAAAHHH!

Aside from feeling like i was back in grammar school again, listening to recorded tapes of the radio, writing down lyrics and reciting them over and over again so i could sing along at the roller skating birthday parties ("badabadabadebeen most our lives livin in a gangstaaa's paradissssse") It made me realize that I've gone a little too far down the long tail. (see chart to the left)

Like if the popularity of music was set up like the Alphabet (A's are Michael Jackson and the Beatles... Z's are me, hungover, singing in the shower), I used to know A through F...and that doesn't meaning anything to anyone, so let's say an F would be hearing Eminem on a rock station, or Pearl Jam doing a cover song (both ubiquitous events in middle school). Now I only friggin know my ABC's (because they're goddamn unavoidable - UPGRADE!) and a random smattering of odd, small hits (people really like Lykke Li?). 

Minus 10 on the cool scale. Minus another 2 for this post going absolutely nowhere.


Big Mike said...

Ahhhh solid post kyle, solid post. altho i'm sure i was never on your level of knowing music, living with one of my roommates really makes me realize how crappy my music knowledge is... oh well, you do what you can and what you can't, you don't